Was £57.99, Now £44.00
The King's eyebrows lifted, revealing his disbelief. "More Dragons?" He mouthed the words in an alarmed whisper. The messenger nervously nodded. Dragons had not been in the Realm for centuries - not since the days when the High Wizard Amarak advised the Royal Court. But now, not only had the Blue Dragon attacked the settlements on the frontier of the Blizzard Mountain Range with an army of her Dragonkin, but other new Dragons had been sighted, clearly in the service of the Dark Lord's army. Hemlock, perhaps the most evil of all the Dragon Generals, was en route from the East Brimstone and was already setting fire and laying waste to settlements near the Realm. And Onyx, the most feared dragon of all, was fast approaching from the North. The King contemplated the bravery and skill of his Heroes. Would it be enough...?
The Dragon Expansion contains:
4 Dragon General Placards
3 Dark Agent Placards
Compatible Darkness Spreads and Hero Card decks
4 Minion Placards
Winds of War Placard + 16 Cards
11 Global Effects Cards
21 Quest Cards
Royal Blessing Placard
King's Champion Reward Cards
4 Wound Tokens
10 Fire Tokens
4 Royal Blessing Tokens
6 Troll Renegade Tokens
Scoring Tokens
Rulebook with a Story from the Realm
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